A Promised Land

I suspect that God’s plan, whatever it is, works on a scale too large to admit our mortal tribulations; that in a single lifetime, accidents and happenstance determine more than we care to admit; and that the best we can do is to try to align ourselves with what we feel is right and construct some meaning out of our confusion, and with grace and nerve play at each moment the hand that we’re dealt.

Book ironically costs 45 dollars

As someone who was too young to understand Obama’s presidency, this book was a very fascinating read. A Promised Land is a memoir written by Barack Obama himself, as he tells his journey of becoming a thoughtful young man, his crazy rise into the politics, and his transition and service as the leader of the free world. He offers a very unique exploration of his presidency - the powers that he had, and the challenges that he faced throughout this election cycle and first term.

The book is extremely intimate and introspective, and Obama’s honesty reminded me that we are all just human at the end of the day. Obama talks about his poor decisions, and reflects upon how he should have acted differently, and even doubts his position and whether he belongs there or not. It served as a reminder that we should be realistic with what we expect from our political leaders.

I wonder what would have happened in Obama never got into politics, or if he had never been elected president. What would the grassroots campaign look like in Chicago? Would his successor (Donald Trump) still run? Obama hints at these possibilities and events in a very elegant way.

Overall, this book is written beautifully, and is worth the read. If you are curious about any of his controversies and events, such as his health care act, the economic crisis, or foreign policy, this book is definitely the right place to look. While it is certainly long, there are so many little nuggets of knowledge and experience that make it worthwhile.

Overall Rating: 8/10

Written on August 30, 2021